Genealogy is a combination of research, analysis, intuition and, increasingly, science. Above all, it is a pact between a genealogist and client who agree to research a family heritage with care, compassion and confidentiality.


Genealogist Brooke M. Nixon

Brooke's background in historical research, grounding in genealogy, advanced studies in genetic genealogy and years of experience guide her research and analysis. Brooke, a fellow of Boston University's renowned genealogy program, continues to study with some of the foremost experts in the field. 

Brooke adheres to the highest professional standards. Respecting the confidentiality of her clients, she has:

  • Unlocked decades-old family mysteries
  • Found adoptees' biological family
  • Built family trees that stretch back centuries


Brooke did the impossible. She found my biological family, from whom I was separated more than 50 years ago. Today I have the family I have dreamed about for years.
— Tree Weaver Genealogy client