When you are ready to find your story, Tree Weaver Genealogy will be honored to help.

Contact Tree Weaver to schedule a consultation.




Perhaps you are ready to start your genealogy project or you may have already created a family tree on one of the popular genealogy sites. Tree Weaver Genealogy can:

  • Help you organize your tree
  • Provide tips on how you can take it further
  • Show you how to get the most from your genealogy research site subscription. 
  • Brainstorm how to break through information roadblocks
  • Show you ways to use today's technology and additional sites to deepen your search.
  • Help you understand your genealogy DNA results.





At its heart, genealogy is a research-based. When you are ready to move beyond consumer-based online genealogy sites, consider opening a Tree Weaver Genealogy research project. Here we can:

  • Verify online information and oral family histories
  • Break through obstacles and dead ends
  •  Use an array of scientific tools to obtain and verify as much of your family history as possible
  • Present your heritage in an engaging portfolio that will be a gift that lasts through generations.